You know that feeling at the beginning of the summer when you feel like you can have wonderful activities and enriching plans for your kids each and every day? I don't feel like our summer really started until after our trip to Hawaii and our Family Reunion. I had plans for themed weeks, starting with the first week, which was Organizing. We did a complete revamp on the toys and created the Dildine Toy Library. Lydia and Ryan may check out one toy box each, but may not check out another toy box until the first box is cleaned up and checked back into the library. The library is in a secluded room off of our master bedroom and is under lock and key. So far the system has really worked. No more endless days of picking up toys, upon toys.
The second themed week was: Cooking and Food. I made the boys do the grocery lists and shopping. They cooked our meals and every day we did a Snack Craft. Unfortunately, our themed weeks stopped after that. Maybe next summer, when I don't have eight weeks until baby number 5 arrives, we will accomplish more than just two themed weeks. Nonetheless, here are some of our creations (tons of ideas online, by the way):
A telephone. Ring! Ring!
Ingredients: Half an apple, sliced banana, mini marshmallows, black icing and red Pull n' Peel licorice.
Hard at work.
One of the great things about doing snack crafts is that you get to snitch ingredients while creating the final project.
Peanut Butter Application on the marshmallow.
Just after Peanut Butter Application on the tongue!
This was another of our favorites: Little Strawberry Elves
Cute Right?
Ingredients: Strawberries, whipped cream, mini chocolate chips
I think this snack craft was the biggest hit: An Angry Bird
Ingredients: watermelon slice, cucumbers, olives and mango
I love how each Angry Bird seems to have it's own personality. This is a picture we texted to Mike at work, with the caption: "Angry Birds"
And this is the picture that he texted back to the kids, with the caption: "Angry Dads"
The kids thought it was hysterical!!! I have to admit I had a good laugh, too. :)