Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Who's Bad?"

June 29, 2009-A couple of weeks ago after Michael Jackson passed away, our friends Leah and Jay Walker hosted a street dance party in his honor. We watched music videos, learned the "Thriller Dance" and ate Popsicles. The reason for the commemoration? Simply because "Michael Jackson brought so much joy into each of our childhoods." Well put Leah. I couldn't agree more.

I couldn't resist dressing the kiddos up. They were all for it. We've been listening MJ's music for a few weeks and all of the kids really dig it. Even Lydia can't quit singing,

"Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It."

OR "ABC, One a Three...ABC, One a Three"

OR "Annie ah you okay?...Annie ah you okay?...Annie ah you okay"

"P.Y.T.-Pretty Young Thing"

This is Mike doing the Moonwalk competition. It is not so easy in flip-flops!

Nice moves Danny!

How did Michael do this signature move? Smooth Dancing Nate.

Here we are all dancing to "Thriller." A big thank you to Jay and Leah for hosting. We all had a fabulous time. And thanks to the King of Pop for all of the memories. They've really been flooding back the last couple of weeks.


Cece Girl said...

HILarIOUS! We want to live on your street!

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

i am so proud to call you my cousin. i've been watchin mj's number one videos. we should all get together and dance it up right in mj's honor, just like the old days. :)